Sunday, September 21, 2014


If you are a newbie blogger you might be asking to know the different between blog content and SEO content because these two terms are common among SEO experts and pro-bloggers. If you do ask this question as a newbie blogger you are actually planning to be successful in your search engine marketing.
Though, there’s no big different between blog content and SEO content but, the little different is enough to make huge impact in your blogging style if you could adopt it well. I ought to pluralize the word “CONTENT” but, because I want to narrow the subject to article writing I have to make it singular. In general view, everything in a particular blog ranging from images, articles, widgets, and links are regarded as blog contents. They are all available in blogs and it help users to interact actively with the environment (the blog). In fact, if some or any of these contents are missing, let’s say “widgets are missing, the blog will not be able to perform effectively as others that have everything in order. Ordinary blog content/article Now, let me use this article as an example. There are two important things we normally considered when writing article for blog;
1. How we want readers to interact and
2. How we want search engines to index and display the article in result pages.
In ordinary blog content the writer (probably doesn’t know anything about SEO) just write article for his or her blog. The writer’s aim is to publish information for his or her readers to read and interact by comments and even by sharing the article with friend. In this case he or she don’t have any concern about keywords usage, efficiency and location. In such article if at all there’s any keyword usage it might appear just once or twice in any part of the article.
SEO content/article
This type of content is what many professional bloggers and SEO experts publish on their blog. In this case the writer (someone that knows what keywords are) focus his or her writing on readers and search engines. In some cases some SEO writers doesn’t focus on readers’ choice because their aim is to rank high in search engine. All they do is to write and optimize article with keywords so as to rank the page high in search engines. SEO writers are people with search engine optimization knowledge that write article and load the introduction, body and conclusion with relevant keywords, including the long tail keyword that appear on the title. They use keywords efficiently to help the page rank high in search engines. Advantage of SEO content over ordinary content The aim of every blogger is to make his or her blog appear in Google’s first page for searchers to see their content. If priority must be given in this case, the content with optimum keywords will appear first in search results before the other one. Therefore, SEO article is still the best for bloggers to rank high in search engines. GET YOUR SEO CONTENT/ARTICLES AT http://www, at the cheapest price ever.

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